Ludlow Chamber of Trade and Commerce is a membership organisation for local businesses that works towards furthering and improving the trade and commercial interests of Ludlow and the neighbouring district.

We are an independent voice for the town’s small business community.  

 We also do the following

       Production of the Ludlow Guide.

  Management of the Ludlow Guide website.

Co-ordination of the local independent shops campaign & loyalty card scheme called Only in Ludlow.

 Coordination of the Ludlow Tourism Group.

Organisation and promotion of Ludlow's Makers Market & Tinsel Tuesdays Christmas Shopping Days.

Improving pedestrian access to the Town Centre.

Extensive radio and press advertising promoting Ludlow as a destination shopping venue.

Affiliation to Shropshire Chamber of Commerce which gives us a voice nationally.

Sponsorship of many local community and business supporting initiatives, including the Fringe Festival, Ludlow 21 Green Festival.

Ludlow Chamber of trade and Commerce’s objectives

a) For the association of traders, merchants, professional persons, manufacturers and others; to consider and promote all such lawful measures, plans and schemes as may be calculated to further, improve and secure the trading and commercial interests of Ludlow and neighbouring district.

b) To collect, collate and circulate statistical and other information relating to trade, commerce and manufacturers for members as will assist them in their commercial or professional pursuits and to print, publish and distribute circulars, bulletins, journals and such other papers as may be necessary to disseminate such information.

c) To advance commercial and technical education.

d) To purchase, take on lease or in exchange, hire or otherwise acquire any real or personal property, and any rights and privileges which the Chamber may think necessary or convenient for the purpose of its business.

e) To support and to diffuse information and fair principles of trading, and to discourage indiscriminate price cutting and any other forms of unfair competition as being opposed to individual interests and to the general well being of traders.

f) To create and foster a spirit of goodwill, friendship and unity among the traders of the town and by meetings, discussions, lectures, debates, conferences and other functions to provide facilities for social studies on a friendly basis between all members of the Chamber.

g) To subscribe to and support from the funds of the Chamber such local charitable institutions and objects as may be deemed worthy. Local branches of national charities to be excluded. h) The purpose of the Chamber is not only to benefit its members, but to advantage the interests of the trade and industry of the town as a whole, to the ultimate advantage of the commercial prosperity of the district.

i) The Chamber shall take no part in party politics.

j) To do all such lawful things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above.

k) The Chamber shall carry on profitable activities such as publishing.

For copy of our constitution please contact the secretary on: